In light of this year’s international women’s day, we want to celebrate the amazing women behind AFFCAD, and share with you some of the stories of the women who help to make our mission a reality.

Ms. Cheboi in her school office.

Meet Ms. Rehema Cheboi, the Head Teacher of AFFCAD School. Rehema has been a teacher for over twenty-five years, having joined teaching in 1999. On top of being the headteacher at the AFFCAD school, she also doubles as a teacher of Social Studies, English, and Religious Education. 

“I joined the teaching profession because I was inspired by my teacher and because I am passionate about children, especially the girls, as I am a mother of four myself”, she says. 

She believes that education empowers girls and enables them to be able to get through the hardships of life, such as opportunities for making money independently, helping them to find their voice, and having active participation in decisions that directly affect them; such as health, marital or pregnancy related issues.

Since Rehema joined the AFFCAD School, she has prioritised working towards supporting children from less privileged communities as she believes that they too should have access to quality education. 

Rehema took us through a day in her life: she is always at the school bright and early 6:30am, to prepare for the learners who come into school at 7:00am.

She then welcomes teachers and students, and then returns to her office to attend to parents and any queries they may have. From then on, she spends her day overseeing the day-to-day administrative work of the school, as well as teaching regular lessons.

She says she loves her job so much and would not trade if for any other profession. 

Rehema is passionate about granting equal opportunities in education for girls and young women, and urges fellow parents to educate their girls as this paves the way for creating a brighter future for them.

Read more about the AFFCAD school here.