HIV in Uganda

HIV In Uganda

We’re trying to curb the spread of HIV in Uganda and improve the lives of the those already affected

HIV: a Prevalent & Deadly Condition

  • HIV has become the predominant health condition in Uganda. About 1.5 million Ugandans are now infected with the virus.


  • In many areas across Uganda, as many as half of adult deaths are caused by HIV.


  • About 10% of cases are the result of mother-child transmission. Now, 95,000 children in Uganda suffer with HIV.
HIV in Uganda

HIV In Uganda: Growing Complacency

About Uganda - HIV

The first cases of HIV in Uganda were recorded in 1982. During these early days of the epidemic, a lack of knowledge, medical supplies, and qualified personnel made intervention efforts challenging.

Nowadays, it appears that HIV/AIDS education is severely lagging behind in Uganda Africa. The new generation of Ugandans growing up have critical gaps in their understanding of the condition and feel increasingly indifferent towards it. AIDS is now perceived as far less threatening – just one disease among many others.

For more information, read about the AFFAD Health Program

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