The difference that AFFCAD School makes

Sponsor a Child in Uganda

AFFCAD UK believe that education is one of the most important tools to alleviate poverty. We want to provide accessible, high-quality education to children living in Bwaise and empower them to support themselves out of poverty. You can help us sponsor a child in Uganda today!

Since 2013 AFFCAD and AFFCAD UK have run a community nursery and primary school in Bwaise. Previously called Excel Education Center, the school was rebuilt in 2019 on a more sustainable site and renamed AFFCAD School.

AFFCAD School provides quality and accessible education to vulnerable children in Bwaise and offers free school places for the poorest children. We have also focused on ensuring that children who are HIV positive are able to attend without stigma.

A donation of £19 can sponsor a child in Uganda via their education for 1 month at AFFCAD School. If you are able to, please support us by making a donation today.

Sponsor a Child in Uganda
Volunteer in Uganda

COVID-19 Update

National lockdowns occurred across Uganda to curb the spread of COVID-19. This meant that AFFCAD School remained closed for an extended period.

The pandemic has had a huge effect on the people in Bwaise. Restricted movement to prevent the spread of the virus meant families in informal settlements like Bwaise were at risk of starvation.

With the support of our generous network of donors, fundraisers and partners, AFFCAD and AFFCAD UK managed to raise over £25,000 to provide essential food packages and hygiene items to some of the most vulnerable families in Bwaise.

AFFCAD School teachers also prepared home learning packs and delivered these to students, while also following up to help children maintain their education during the lockdown.

The people of Bwaise still need your help. Please donate to help us provide essential food items and home learning materials to AFFCAD School, and help make AFFCAD School more resilient to challenges like COVID-19.

Primary education in Uganda

According to UNESCO, Uganda ranks 11th in the world for poor educational attainment levels with an extremely high number of children out of school.

81% of parents in Uganda cannot afford to send their children to school and that leaves over 700,000 children without access to education. And of those who do attend primary school, currently only 1 in 4 will continue to secondary education.

In Bwaise, one the largest slums in Kampala, more than 100,000 people live in extreme poverty with little or no access to education, water, sanitation or shelter. 50% of residents of Bwaise are illiterate and nearly half of all young people are unemployed. There are no government schools in Bwaise, and a rapid increase in small, low-fee private schools means that the quality of learning is inconsistent.

Rebuilding AFFCAD School

Since 2013, AFFCAD and AFFCAD UK have provided quality education for children living in Bwaise. In 2017, our school site became unsustainable to support so we took on the task of buying a new site and building a brand new school to provide local children with an affordable primary education. Thanks to the generosity and support of our donors, supporters and school and corporate partners we raised £250,000 to purchase a plot of land and rebuild AFFCAD School.

After completing the first phase of the build, our new school was opened in 2019 with school places for 100 children from pre-primary to class four. It is a bright, sustainable learning environment for the children of Bwaise and we are very proud of it!

Our school before
Due to flooding and landlord neglect our old school building had become unusable and unsafe.

Our new school
We purchased a plot of land and built a beautiful new school. AFFCAD School offers children a bright and safe space for learning in the heart of Bwaise.

Help us complete AFFCAD School

We are currently raising money to construct the upper primary classrooms at AFFCAD School.

This will expand the school and allow us to provide education for 300 local children aged between 3-12, allowing local children to complete their primary education in a single learning environment.

We will build new classrooms, a library, computer room, teachers room and toilets as well as providing access for disabled children. The new classrooms will provide a single site for local children to complete their primary education and progress to secondary school. The next phase also includes plans for a library, computer room and community centre.

As well as being a place for learning, the next phase will also help us create a community hub to engage the wider community of Bwaise in educational mini-projects. These will address several issues such as extremism and radicalisation, adult education and literacy and unemployment and training.

Support Phase 2 Of The AFFCAD School Rebuild

Rebuilding AFFCAD School was made possible by the support and generosity of our amazing community of donors, fundraisers, school partners and business partners.

We ask for your help to complete the next phase of the build and give more children in Bwaise the opportunity to access high-quality education.