The AFFCAD Uganda Education Program

A good education isn’t just a fundamental human right – it’s pivotal to increasing employment and income opportunities that break the cycle of poverty, and to protecting children from violence, abuse and exploitation. Education is the bedrock of social and economic development, and Uganda cannot undergo any meaningful or lasting change without it (more information about Education in Uganda).

The AFFCAD Uganda Education Program strives to overcome barriers to education  including poverty, abuse, gender discrimination and disability – to ensure that all of the vulnerable children living in the slums of Bwaise, Uganda, have access to quality formal learning opportunities.

Under this program, AFFCAD School – a community nursery and primary school in the heart of Bwaise – was established in 2011, and it has since provided quality education to over 300 vulnerable children between 3 and 12 years of age, including orphans, the disabled and those infected with HIV.

Uganda Education Program
Uganda Education Program
Uganda Education Program

A lack of education doesn’t just affect each child alone: out of all Ugandan households wherein the head has no formal education, 67% are suffering in multidimensional poverty. This fundamental need for education is especially great in areas like Bwaise that already have an extremely large and vulnerable youth population.

That’s why your donation towards AFFCAD’s education-related endeavours in Bwaise will yield tremendous results, not only for the individual but also for families, the community, and the nation of Uganda.

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