Sponsor A Child

Help us provide a quality education to some of the poorest children in Bwaise, Uganda.

Education In Bwaise

Every day in the impoverished community of Bwaise, Uganda, there are fewer smiling faces coming to school—fewer students who can afford the price of education.

At AFFCAD UK, we’re trying to reverse this trend. We believe gaining a quality education is the right of every child. But more than that, it’s necessary for breaking cycles of poverty, and protecting children from exploitation. 

You Can Sponsor a Child's Education

By donating to AFFCAD UK, you can make a huge difference. You can help children in Bwaise, Uganda attend AFFCAD School, where they can laugh with their friends, eat nutritious school meals, and prepare themselves for a brighter future through a broad and challenging curriculum.

Just £19 sponsors one month of education for a child at AFFCAD School.

AFFCAD's Sponsor A Child Campaign

The AFFCAD Sponsor a Child in Uganda Campaign is an initiative to support the education and meals of young children in Bwaise, Uganda. The aim is to connect one child in need with one generous person like you.

Becoming a sponsor means giving some of the poorest children in Uganda access to high-quality education—something every young person deserves—at AFFCAD School for minimal costs. The school is important because, unlike the UK, Uganda doesn’t offer free public school education.

Your money goes towards students facing massive barriers to success: many are disabled; HIV positive; or orphans, living in child-headed homes. But whatever their difficulties, they all find AFFCAD School a safe haven, where they’re free to explore their passions.

Below are some students at AFFCAD School who have spoken about their lives with their teachers. All of them have big hopes and dreams for the future, but struggle to fund their education at AFFCAD School. Please take a moment to learn about some of the children for whom your donation would have a direct positive impact.


Pauline is only six years old, but already knows what she wants. She’s a star student who hopes, one day, to serve others by working as a doctor. Supporting AFFCAD School helps students like Pauline to realise their dreams and tackle the health crisis in Bwaise, where many children are born with HIV or without access to clean water. Then they can achieve their own dreams without worrying about diseases; and Pauline can keep eating pocho and beans with her grandmother and brother, while also dancing along to her favourite Haba Haba music.


Branton is nine years old and loves school. AFFCAD school provides a place for him to express himself and listen to his favourite songs, such as the Fresh Kid Song. He dreams of travelling to America; but, for now, he at least has his best friends, Freedom and Gabi, who he entertains with his budding culinary skills. He cooks everything except his least favourite food, matookeEducation allows children like Branton to really be children, laughing at their favourite songs and playing in the school playground. Without your help, Branton and his two siblings likely won’t grow up to achieve their dreams, as there are no government-funded schools in Bwaise. Low-fee schools like AFFCAD School are the only option for students like Branton to continue their education while dancing to their favourite TikTok trends. Hopefully, one day, we might see Branton cooking for more people than his friends, even if matooke isn’t on the menu!


Freedom is six years old and lives in one of the poorest regions of Bwaise. AFFCAD School ensures that children like Freedom can keep having an education. His favourite things about school are the good education, food and water. Your donation is vital to ensure that he can keep enjoying his favourite foods (superghetti and cassava) with his family without worrying about school fees. Continuing education will not only give Freedom a way out of poverty, but allow him to enjoy his childhood and hopefully realise his dream of becoming a pilot. In the meantime, though, he loves to play with his best friends, Jordan and Emma. You can help ensure that more children in Bwaise don’t go without these things, as 98% of your money goes directly to children like Freedom, who told his teachers that he worries one day he won’t be able to go to school anymore.


Shadrack is 13 years old and grew up at AFFCAD School. Like most teenagers, he loves to play football; but while many 13 year olds in the UK might wish for the next FIFA videogame, Shadrack wishes for his mother to find employment and have enough money to eat. In fact, he thinks about everyone before himself, and wishes, someday, for the whole world to have enough money to buy food. Shadrack’s education provides him with hope and a chance out of poverty himself. He loves to learn, and AFFCAD School gives him the chance to explore his favourite subjects like Maths and Geography. With your donations, we can create a world closer to Shadrack’s dream, and perhaps  even let him start focusing on his personal ambitions to become a pilot and start a family.


Hyman is six years old, and what makes him happiest is playing with his best friends, Joel and Jose, at AFFCAD School. Unfortunately, though, Hyman is at risk of leaving school because he can barely afford fees. Despite this, students like Hyman often spend the first periods sleeping, having worked all night in trying to achieve their goals. With a small donation from you, Hyman won’t have to worry about funding his education, and can focus entirely on his passion for cars and dream of becoming a racing driver, singing along to his favourite songs while driving.

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