Businge Andrew is a 32-year-old resident of Tebuyoleka, and a teacher at Happy Hours Secondary School. He was one of the seed grant beneficiaries under the Uganda COVID-19 Action Response Project. He got to know about this project from a colleague. Andrew, who can’t stop thanking AFFCAD for the startup capital, is single and currently earns meagre pay as a teacher. He said that he had not been paid for 3 months.
After receiving the funds, Andrew implemented his chicken farming project just like he had already planned. He used the resources available to him to come up with this project, which seemed expensive. He shares a room with the chicken and currently he has a total of fifteen broilers. He used a total of UGX 300,000 to begin his project. He anticipates that by the end of 2022, he will have more than 30 croilers and a larger place. He is very thankful towards AFFCAD for the support.
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